
Financial Planner, Calgary Alberta AB, Marvin Nickel

Here at Nickel Financial®, we provide a distinctive combination of wealth management services to better build, manage and preserve your wealth. We are dedicated to excellence and endeavour to explore and understand your financial situation, providing you with the highest quality services to help you reach your goals. We aspire to be the best at what we do, giving you the personal touch by providing accountability, exceptional service and simplifying your family's investment and legacy-related needs.

For over 30 years, Marvin W. Nickel has pursued a singular mission – to develop retirement plans to help clients ensure their "golden years" are just that, truly golden. In 2007 he founded "The Wealthy Edge®", to enhance the financial planning process, weaving solutions together into an integral plan, so all aspects work harmoniously together.

Value Proposition

  • Clarity – We provide a complete wealth clarity discussion to provide clarity around your goals for the future and put it on paper.

  • Complete – We complete a wealth implementation schedule to get your complete financial life in order and keep it going forward.

  • Transparent – We help you understand the total cost of investing and advice so you know what you get for the costs.

  • Quality – We provide a wealth quality financial and investment plan that makes it realistic for you to achieve your outcomes.

  • Team – We provide you access to a team and network of professionals.


latest news

Jul, 08, 2024
As with many retirement savers, it took two major stock market events (Global Financial Crisis, Global Pandemic) to convince Adam and Sonya that trying to 'time the market' or pick specific sectors was a costly exercise in futility. But, with the value of their RRSPs nearly halved in the 2009... Read more
Jul, 08, 2024
History tells us about half of marriages in Canada end in divorce. Andrew and Sara are about to end theirs and are concerned about the changes that will have to be made to their financial and estate plans. Some financial and estate issues they need to consider are: Life Insurance – The first thing... Read more
Jul, 08, 2024
By far one of the most crucial financial strategy steps is accurately estimating retirement expenses. Correctly accounting for retirement living expenses is critical to ensuring that retirees do not outlive their money. For those already retired, there are usually few good options for creating new... Read more

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